Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sherry's Birthday

The Scattered Piecers and several others contributed to a very special birthday wish for today. One of our members, Sherry, turned 60, and we all posted to a blog in her honor. Now, this is NOT to say that every member of our group isn't special, but I think Sherry carries a very special place in all our hearts. She manages to do so much for so many people from such a long distance, and she really brings smiles and laughter to our quilting retreats! So...Happy birthday, Sherry!
Rain and I are smack in the middle of getting ready for the start of school on Monday, and this has been a long few days! We've now spent two full days in technology training (and Rain had to TEACH at the last minute!), not to mention hours and hours of boring meetings, so we're ready for kids next week! lol Rain and I were supposed to be in the same workshop today (Podcasting), but they called on her to teach...which means I may know a little more than she does about creating a podcast! Don't be surprised if, some day, you open this blog and there I am...the star of my very own podcast! lol
Cheerleading is getting to be a pain these past few days. There's just something about having 17 teenaged girls all suffering from PMS at the same time that seems to create stress, tension headaches, and the crushing desire to retire and move to a child-free island! Today was one of THOSE days! I expected one (or MORE) of them to say, "She's looking at me! Tell her to stop looking at me!" And the well-known phrase "Are we there yet?" became the litany I repeated to myself each time I looked at the clock! I couldn't WAIT for 5:30 to arrive!!!!!
Well...tomorrow is another day!

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